Friday, November 14, 2008

Grady tries to get his brother out of the dryer...

Happy kid

Could somebody help me get my pudgy self into this barn? Surely there's a way.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Jake specifically chose the Eternity Portfolio for his trip to the potty here. I thought his dad would be proud...And Jake and Grandpa spend some quality time on the couch.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grady's first birthday was Sunday, November 2nd and he had so much fun. He got a little car which he thoroughly enjoys. He also had a ton of fun playing with cousins and family. Got cupcake all over his face and a nice sugar high. :)

Halloween was a blast! Jake was Bob the Builder and Grady was a lion. As you can see, neither of them enjoy wearing things on their head. Jake was on cloud nine- I'm pretty sure it was the best night of his life so far. Grady made it to about three houses and then turned in for the night.

Friday, October 10, 2008

We did a little fingerpainting this morning. As you can see here, Grady enjoys eating blue fingerpaint.
He also enjoys irritating Jake by getting in his personal space and threatening to compromise his artwork...makes Mommy laugh!
Go dawgs. And step away from my workspace ...or else.

So I decided to create a blogspot for Tracey, Leigh Anne, and all of our out-of-town family and friends. Hopefully this will be a good way to keep up with what's new in our life. Jake is 2.5 and Grady is 11 months. Jake and Grady love to play together- they make each other laugh a lot and are starting to wrestle from time to time...YIKES!